AES Alternative Energy Solutions 2018-05-26T22:00:14Z WordPress AES <![CDATA[(RUS) Учет севооборота]]> 2018-05-02T11:18:08Z 2018-05-26T22:00:14Z Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.

AES <![CDATA[“Warm” loans warm and cherish purses]]> 2018-05-02T11:17:14Z 2018-04-29T22:00:15Z The city budget of Kharkiv will compensate a part of expenses of citizens on housing insulation

This year, thanks to financial injections from the city budget is much more attractive for Kharkiv will be the loans for energy conservation in buildings. As Deputy Director of the Department of Economics and communal property Kharkiv city Council Dmitry Garmash, it is the Treasury of the regional center provided 1.5 million, which will be directed on compensation to individuals interest rates on “warm” loans. Until 2020, the program of compensation of interest rates provided 7.5 million hryvnias.

According to Dmitry Garmash, was recently signed agreements on cooperation until 2020, with a UGB, the State savings Bank of Ukraine and the State export-import Bank on the compensation of Kharkov discount rate of the national Bank, which now stands at 14%. The same Treaty is to be signed and with PrivatBank.

“People can already apply to banks. Now the conditions for granting soft loans have become even more profitable. There is a state program of compensation of the loan, and we are ready to partially compensate the interest rate. The introduction of energy efficiency measures is the main task for the country and the city, given the current rates,” — said the head of the relevant Department.

Director of the Kharkiv regional Directorate Ukrgasbank JSB Alla Brewer spoke about the terms of compensation. To make “warm credit, it is only necessary to provide a passport, identification code, certificate of employment income for the last six months or the Declaration of a natural person-entrepreneur, certified fiscal services, as well as the document certifying the actual supply of goods or provision of services and their cost.

“Learn about the equipment and a list of materials that you can borrow, as well as information about the conditions of the state program on the website of the State Agency on energy efficiency and energy saving of Ukraine”, — said Alla Brewer. She explained in detail that when, for example, a new boiler will be installed, you need to provide to the banks a certificate of completion, and for a maximum of 60 days before the financial institution received compensation from the state and city.

Finally the advantages of such a system of payment credit convinced the head of sector of credit examination of a branch of the savings Bank Dmitry Jarusek: “If the boiler is 20 thousand UAH, in fact, people will pay 11 USD 700 due to the payment of the loan by the state and UAH 500 per cent in three years due to the help of the city.”

A prerequisite for receipt of the payment interest rates loan specialists called the only: person taking out a credit must be recorded (registered) in Kharkov, and can live in an apartment building, and the private sector.

In addition, the city has a program that provides partial payment of the loan volume 20% Jalaluddin cooperatives and associations of owners of multi-storey buildings the following energy saving measures: insulation of facades, repair of heating systems, installation of heat meters, replacement of Windows in plastic, and the like.

AES <![CDATA[Approval of Changes to some decrees NKREKP on the introduction on the market of natural gas usage units of energy]]> 2018-05-02T11:17:30Z 2018-04-28T22:00:31Z Resolution NKREKP from 26.01.2017, No. 84 approved changes to the Code transmission system Code and gas distribution systems. Valid since 15.03.2017 G.


from January 26, 2017 N 84

Approval of Changes to some decrees NKREKP on the introduction on the market of natural gas usage units of energy

According to articles 4 and 33 of the Law of Ukraine “On natural gas market” and article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Commission exercising the state regulation in the energy and utilities” the national Commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities, decides:

1. To approve amendments to the Code of the gas transportation system, approved by resolution of the National Commission, carrying out state regulation in the energy and utilities on 30 September 2015 N 2493, registered in the Ministry of justice of Ukraine on 06 November, 2015 N 1378/27823, which are attached.

2. To approve the amendments to the gas distribution networks, approved by resolution of the National Commission, carrying out state regulation in the energy and utilities on 30 September 2015 N 2494, registered in the Ministry of justice of Ukraine on 06 November, 2015 N 1379/27824, which are attached.

3. The operator of the gas transportation system:

within one month from the date of entry into force of the present decision to develop, renumber, adopt and post on its website routes determine the physico-chemical parameters of gas and to ensure their updating on a regular basis;

at the end of the month, not later than the 2nd day of the month following the settlement month, to convey to the operators of gas distribution systems, dispatch communication channels, operational data relative to the weighted average of gross calorific value of natural gas for each route;

to publish on its website no later than the 5th day of the month following the settlement month, the actual data relative to the weighted average of gross calorific value of natural gas for each route.

4. Operators of gas distribution systems:

within one month from the date of entry into force of the present decision to develop, renumber, adopt and post on its website all the possible routes of transfer of gas with the same physical and chemical characteristics of natural gas and to ensure their updating on a regular basis;

within one month from the date of entry into force of this decision to publish on its website the size of the coefficients of reduction of gas volumes to standard conditions, if metering of natural gas consumers do not provide such harmonization;

at the end of the month, but not later than 8 th, next month, publish on its website, actual data on weighted average of gross calorific value of natural gas for each route;

further include in the payment documents consumer services distribution of natural gas, as well as in the personal office of consumer information about the size of the coefficient of adjustment to standard conditions (if metering of natural gas consumer does not in automatic mode, the natural gas volume to standard conditions), the weighted average of gross calorific value during the billing period, and the amount of energy consumed natural gas (three units: kWh, Gcal, MJ).

5. This decision shall enter into force on the day following the day of its publication in the official printed edition – the newspaper “Uryadovy courier”.

Chairman NKREKP D. Wolf

Officially published in the newspaper “Uryadovy courier”, 14.03.2017, No. 48

AES <![CDATA[(RUS) Учет паев]]> 2018-05-02T11:17:48Z 2018-04-27T22:00:09Z Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.

AES <![CDATA[(RUS) Мониторинг техники]]> 2018-05-02T11:18:27Z 2018-04-25T22:00:59Z AES <![CDATA[Agrochemicals]]> 2018-05-02T11:18:44Z 2018-04-24T22:00:21Z AES <![CDATA[Monitoring system resources consumption]]> 2018-05-02T11:19:02Z 2018-04-23T22:00:11Z the automation of accounting expenses of all kinds resources (chemicals, water, electricity, steam, gas, etc.) allow not only to reduce the direct costs of resources (chemicals, water, energy, time) but also to control the quality of both product and health indicators, which is extremely important for the efficient functioning of the industrial enterprise.

the Proposed solution will combine all of the counters to the enterprise resource in a digital network for centralized data acquisition and processing.

the 1 Centralized data collection
Data from all meters are collected in a single repository in a database that is installed on the server.
the 2 Automatic processing
System clock collects and processes the data, removes the human factor.
the 3 Remote control
Average and the current performance available to users for viewing via the Internet at any time of the day.
the 4 Instant notification
The server performs the alert function when exceeding the instantaneous flow rate of a particular resource over the set threshold. In such situations, these users will receive an email.
the 5 Low maintenance cost
During normal operation no need for manual action on the part of staff.

6. Flexible configuration and expansion
It is possible to add additional data acquisition devices with different parameters.
the 7. Data archive
The ability to access an archive of data on resources consumption at the enterprise with any degree of detail within seconds.
the 8. Reporting
Report generation in accordance with certain specified criteria and automatic sending to the responsible persons.
the 9. Geo-consistent binding
View the plan of the enterprise with applied equipment and counters in the place of installation
the 10. Operational accounting
The possibility of operational control and further analysis of resource costs for certain production operations (regular and irregular), the possibility of obtaining different types of reports, to analyze and to identify the most resource-intensive areas of the production and / or technological operations with the purpose of further optimization

were used For data collection a special device counting the pulses. For one such collection device can connect up to 8 flow meters. It is assumed that the collection device will be mounted near the flow meters, and remote collection device will be connected to serial bus RS-485.
Data acquisition device associated with the server for the same serial line. On the server constantly runs a specially designed program that constantly polls all of the data gathering and saves data to storage. The collection device itself does not store data, and transmits them to the server for processing.
The controller consists of a circuit based on a microprocessor, which performs two main functions — counting pulses from the counters and the digital line – in the case of water meters.
Also installed on the server software to serve requests on the Internet, which transfers data over a secure channel on a special web site hosted on an external server (or on a specially configured, an internal server is integrated to the internal network Intranet).

the software performing cost accounting, storing the data with the possibility of unauthorized access through the Internet for on-line control has the following functionality:
1. Displays a list of all of the flowmeters (with filtering by location and / or resource)
2. Displaying the log deviations from the spending limits (if necessary)
3. Recording of operator actions in violation of the limits
4. Notification of violation of the limits (by e-mail)
5. View history of work of the tube (several meters) in a certain period in the form of a table and in a graph
6. The export magazine (digital values) in MS Excel for further processing
7. The ability to easily add additional flow meters
8. Edit information about flow meters
9. Adding new users, managing user rights, modify access rights
10. Business card with printing equipment – the ability to control costs in different parts of the enterprise with geo-reference information with plotted locations for installation of counters.
11. Operating account – the possibility of operational control and further analysis of resource costs for certain production operations (regular and irregular), the possibility of obtaining different types of reports, to analyze and to identify the most resource-intensive areas of the production and / or technological operations with the aim of further optimization.

Download presentation of System monitoring resource usage

AES <![CDATA[Энергосервис]]> 2018-05-02T11:19:17Z 2018-04-22T22:00:59Z Энергосервис — эффективный инструмент увеличения прибыли, которому многие компании не уделяют достаточно внимания.

Энергосервис также является финансовым инструментом, который влияет на капитализацию предприятий и должен управляться в соответствие с принципами управления финансовыми продуктами.

Энергосервисный контракт — представляет собой особую форму договора, направленного на экономию эксплуатационных расходов за счет повышения энергоэффективности и внедрения технологий, обеспечивающих энергосбережение. Отличительной особенностью энергосервисного контракта является форма взаиморасчетов:

− от потребителя энергоресурса не требуется предварительное «вложение средств»;

− часть риска достижения необходимой экономии берет на себя энергосервисная компания, обладающая необходимыми компетенциями и экспертизой;

− затраты на проект возмещаются за счет достигнутой экономии средств, получаемой после внедрения энергосберегающих технологий.

Таким образом, для Заказчика отсутствует необходимость в первоначальных затратах собственных средств. Инвестиции, необходимые для осуществления всего проекта, привлекаются энергосервисной компанией.

Энергоаудит – взаимосвязанный комплекс технических, организационных, экономических и иных мероприятий, направленный на выявление возможности экономически эффективной оптимизации потребления энергетических ресурсов.

ООО «Альтернативные энергетические решения» осуществляет проекты любой сложности и любого масштаба «под ключ», включающие в себя следующие этапы:

1-й этап – Инвестиционный аудит заказчика.

Цель: Независимая оценка финансового состояния потенциального заказчика.

Результат: Принятие решения о заключении энергосервисного контракта

2-й этап – Энергетическое обследование.

Цель: Определение потенциала энергосбережения и повышения энергоэффективности объектов заказчика.

Результат: Разработка комплекса энергосберегающих мероприятий с расчетом экономического эффекта и срока окупаемости.

3-й этап – Привлечение инвесторов.

Цель: Разработка схемы механизма финансирования.

Результат: Открытие финансирования.

4-й этап – Проектные работы.

Цель: Разработка и согласование проекта в контролирующих инстанциях.

Результат: Проект со всей сопроводительной документацией.

5-й этап – Внедрение мероприятий по энергосбережению и снижению стоимости энергоносителей. Монтаж и накладка оборудования.

Цель: Выбор поставщика энергоносителей и/или оборудования, выполнение работ. Пуско-наладочные работы.

Результат: Экономия на энергоносителях. Энергоэффективное оборудование готово к эксплуатации.

6-й этап – Заключительный этап.

Цель: Разработка инструкций и оказание консалтинговых услуг техническому персоналу заказчика.

Результат: Ввод в эксплуатацию энергоэффективного оборудования.

Каждый из приведенных этапов может быть выполнен как в рамках проектов «под ключ», так и отдельно. В работе нашей компании все проекты значимы и интересны.

Мы обладаем всеми необходимыми профессиональными компетенциями в области экспертизы и разработки программ комплексного развития инфраструктуры энергохозяйства предприятий, и построения энергоэффективных производств. Одной из ключевых компетенций является поставка энергоресурсов (природный газ, электричество) по нерегулируемым тарифам на лучших условиях среди независимых поставщиков.

]]> AES <![CDATA[The supply of natural gas]]> 2018-05-02T11:19:33Z 2018-04-21T22:00:58Z

we Offer You the supply of natural gas of Ukrainian extraction at non-regulated tariff.

We supply natural gas at unregulated rates to industrial enterprises of Ukraine since April 2014. Successfully cooperating with many enterprises throughout Ukraine.

the High professionalism of our team, flexible and customer-oriented approach in our work allows us to build long-term partnerships with all partners of the company. During our activity we have been able to establish itself as a stable supplier of natural gas and a reliable business partner and to gain the status as one of the leading independent suppliers of natural gas.

Cooperation with us will allow You to:


  • to reduce the cost of purchasing natural gas 5-15 %%;
  • the

  • to save a company’s circulating assets;
  • the

  • to reduce the cost of production;
  • the

  • the possibility of adjusting the consumption of natural gas during the month.
  • the

  • convenient scheme document, without delivery of mandatory reports to state organization;
  • the

  • permanent access to the Regional representative for assistance and advice.

AES <![CDATA[The Supply Of Electricity]]> 2018-05-02T11:19:54Z 2018-04-20T22:00:58Z We offer You his services as an independent alternative supplier of electricity at unregulated rates directly with the Wholesale electricity market of Ukraine (NKRE license No. 194751 series of AE from 11.04.2013.). The main contract with PAT”, Harkovoblenergo” remains in force only suspend its operation in part of the delivery of active energy at the time of the Contract for sale and purchase.

So, You have a unique opportunity to become the owner immediately with 2 electricity providers and choose which is most profitable.

benefits of working with us is obvious and is widely covered in the publicly available technical sites and forums, the official website of NERC, DP “Energorynok”, on our website

You get:



  • fixed discount of 30% equity or profit distribution (50×50);
  • the

  • reduction of costs for purchase of electricity from 2.5 % to 15 %;
  • the

  • savings working capital of the company;
  • the

  • reduction of production costs;
  • the

  • easy payment schedule;
  • the

  • lack of fines and penalties for exceeding limits on power and consumption volumes;
  • the

  • the possibility of rapid adjustment of energy consumption within one month of delivery;
  • the

  • permanent access to the Regional representative for assistance and advice;
  • transparent control over the financial result for the above discounted rates;
  • the opportunity at any time go to pay for PAT”, Harkovoblenergo”.

if you are willing to cooperation, You need:


  • to sign a contract with us for the sale of electricity;
  • to sign up with PAT”, Harkovoblenergo” changes to the basic contract for the supply of electricity in part of the suspension-resumption of supply of electricity;
  • work with us to perform the procedure and certification AMR/LUZOD Your commercial account (requirement of DP “Energorynok”).